Friday 2 March 2012


OMG so injury #2 since starting up with Body By Vi.

Before I started Challenge #1, I smashed my foot into a doorway - thought it was fractured but no, it wasn't! It had TORN FREAKING TENDONS!!!! Seriously...and when I took steps my foot would *crack* and the foot was very tight...I didn't go to the gym at all on the first 30 days of my 1st 90 Day Challenge.

I finally started the gym again in Dec, and all of a sudden it was like a miracle cure though I have to be careful. The elliptical seems to be helping with not allowing my foot to cramp up so I somehow got myself into a routine of now going 3-5x a week! Alrighty so it looks like I am about to have some progress right? Oh no, at the Regional Conference in mid February, a lady stepped on my foot and VERY HARD right on the part where the tendons were torn - BIG FML!!!! Like what happened to saying "excuse me can I get by" instead just push past and SMOOSH right down on the foot. Ya good times (NOT)

Alright so that covers rant #1 about injury #1.

Injury #2 happened on the 29th of February. Wet and rainy...over the knee boots that are a tad slippery on the bottom and a gorgeous shiny tile floor...somehow sliding into a "split" position and having my leg bent backwards and resulting in a pulled muscle in the front of my left thigh - again FML

I'm not letting this stop me, I took that day and today off from the gym and now it is just past 1230am and I going to get me 8 hours of sleep and head to a meeting in the am and then to the gym.

May god be with me LOL and not let me hurt myself while forcing some cardio activity though I have been advised against it.

Something about me when it comes to exercise, I just don't like to listen! 

Anyhow just thought I would share with you all....

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